Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day Three in Ireland (Bob's View)

Made it to Galway at about half-eight (8:30) but we didn't get into Kinlay House as we had hoped to do.  In fact every hotel in the downtown area was booked up and we wound up at a hotel/B&B on the outskirts, thanks to the manager and doorman of a place we stopped at to inquire.  He rang up and got us a reservation here and also called a taxi for us.  The Irish have a well-deserved reputation for being friendly and helpful to strangers who ask for their help in a polite way.

It's about 11:30 now (half-eleven) and we're both pretty tired having spent many hours on buses today.  We left Carrick at just before half-eight and traveled to Limerick, changed buses there for Ennis, and changed again for a trip out to the Cliffs of Moher.  We spent about three hours there and returned to Ennis, changed buses once more for Galway.  We're traveling on a bus ticket that allows us to travel as much as we want on any three out of six days.  We'll use up the final day tomorrow to travel back to Dublin where we'll board a bus to London, traveling overnight by ferry and then land to arrive at Victoria Station in the morning.

I'm behind in getting my pictures posted.  I hope to catch up to Cam's prolific posting in the next coupld of days.


  1. That's why I joined the Army in my senior year of high school. Left for basic training a week after graduating.
    If Papa had stayed in the Navy, I might have stayed home and gone to MIT. Possibly have found a cure for Mesothelioma. Oh well.
    Great job on the blog so far.
    We are leaving next Wednesday for Germany. And then on to Italy on 10/4.
    Rock on!

  2. This comment should have gone on Cam's story of nighttime adventures.
